維生素 E,精胺酸為什麼可以增加子宮內膜厚度? 維生素 E,L -精氨酸,viagra 提高子宮內膜厚度 em vit-e 在日本,大概是去年發表ㄧ份登在我們不孕症醫學期刊,提到為他命E,L精胺酸,威爾剛,阿斯匹林這些增加子宮內膜厚度的研究,這是指如果說這個病人要做試管嬰兒而因為子宮內膜薄而失敗,可以使用以上提到的來增加厚度,不過並非每個人都能夠成功,比如說精胺酸能夠使用而增加厚度的有89%,那其它像為他命E或者是威爾剛有92%,增加子宮內膜的方法有很多,不ㄧ定要靠L精胺酸,何況L精胺酸通常要配為他命E,病人要自己買來吃非常不建議,因為比方說L精胺酸每天要6克,要配合600毫克的維他命E,那如果使用威爾剛,ㄧ天要100毫克,而且這個威爾剛是使用陰道塞劑。 子宮內膜和子宮血流量增長:一項試驗性研究,提高子宮內膜厚度薄的患者子宮內膜。 高崎一 , 田村ħ , 美和我 , Taketani T , 島村K表 , 杉野n 。 來源 系婦產科,濟生總醫院下關,Kifunecho,下關,日本。 摘要 目的: 要研究是否可以改善子宮內膜薄,增加子宮橈動脈(市建局)的血流量。 設計: 一項前瞻性觀察研究。 地點: 大學醫院和城市綜合性醫院。 患者(補): 六十一薄患者子宮內膜(子宮內膜厚度[電磁] <8 -="" 0.81="" 11="" 13="" 18="" 2009="" 2010="" 6.="" a="" abstract="" and="" apr="" artery-resistance="" artery="" be="" blood="" by="" can="" city="" department="" design:="" e="" em="" endometria="" endometrial="" endometrium.="" endometrium="" epub="" ertil="" examine="" feb="" flow.="" flow:="" for="" general="" growth="" gynecology="" h="" high="" hospital.="" hospital="" i="" improved="" improving="" in="" increasing="" index="" intravaginally="" japan.="" k="" kifunecho="" l="" miwa="" mm="" n.="" n="5)。" objective:="" observational="" obstetrics="" of="" patient="" patients="" pilot="" prospective="" radial="" saiseikai="" setting:="" shimamura="" shimonoseki="" sixty-one="" source="" steril.="" study.="" study="" sugino="" t="" takasaki="" taketani="" tamura="" the="" thickness="" thin="" to="" university="" ura="" uterine="" whether="" with="">or=0.81). INTERVENTION(S): Vitamin E (600 mg/day, n = 25), l-arginine (6 g/day, n = 9), or sildenafil citrate (100 mg/day, intravaginally, n = 12) was given. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): EM and RA-RI were assessed by transvaginal color-pulsed Doppler ultrasound. RESULT(S): Vitamin E improved RA-RI in 18 (72%) out of 25 patients and EM in 13 (52%) out of 25 patients. L-arginine improved RA-RI in eight (89%) out of nine patients and EM in six (67%) patients. Sildenafil citrate improved RA-RI and EM in 11 (92%) out of 12 patients. In the control group (n = 10), who received no medication to increase uRA-blood flow, only one (10%) patient improved in RA-RI and EM. The effect of vitamin E was histologically examined in the endometrium (n = 5). Vitamin E improved the glandular epithelial growth, development of blood vessels, and vascular endothelial growth factor protein expression in the endometrium. CONCLUSION(S): Vitamin E, l-arginine, or sildenafil citrate treatment improves RA-RI and EM and may be useful for the patients with a thin endometrium. Copyright 2010 American Society for Reproductive Medicine dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> 8>