2014年12月31日 星期三




IVI試管嬰兒中心得到一個很高的成功率,幾乎快要只做一次取卵新鮮胚胎植入成功率的兩倍,算起活產率大概是1.5倍,(Cumulative LBR/patient was statistically higher in the LR-Accu-Vit group (36.4%) than the LR-fresh group (23.7%) )這個論文發表在2012年RBO醫學期刊,這是一個著名的線上不孕症醫學期刊,





Reprod Biomed Online. 2012 Apr;24(4):424-32. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2011.12.012. Epub 2012 Jan 8.

Accumulation of oocytes: a new strategy for managing low-responder patients.


Accumulation of oocytes from several ovarian stimulation cycles is currently possible using novel vitrification technologies. This strategy could increase the inseminated cohort, creating a similar situation to normoresponders. This study included 242 low-responder (LR) patients (594 cycles) whose mature oocytes were accumulated by vitrification and inseminated simultaneously (LR-Accu-Vit) and 482 patients (588 cycles) undergoing IVF/embryo transfer with fresh oocytes in each stimulation cycle (LR-fresh). Drop-out rate in the LR-fresh group was >75%. The embryo-transfer cancellation per patient was significantly lower in the LR-Accu-Vit group (9.1%) than the LR-fresh group (34.0%). Live-birth rate (LBR)/patient was higher in the LR-Accu-Vit group (30.2%) than the LR-fresh group (22.4%). Cumulative LBR/patient was statistically higher in the LR-Accu-Vit group (36.4%) than the LR-fresh group (23.7%) and a similar outcome was observed among patients aged ⩾40years (LR-Accu-Vit 15.8% versus LR-fresh 7.1%). The LR-Accu-Vit group had more cycles with embryo cryopreservation (LR-Accu-Vit 28.9% versus LR-fresh 8.7%). Accumulation of oocytes by vitrification and simultaneous insemination represents a successful alternative for LR patients, yielding comparable success rates to those in normoresponders and avoiding adverse effects of a low response. The accumulation of oocytes from several ovarian stimulation cycles is currently possible with the aid of novel vitrification technologies. This strategy could be useful for low-responder patients, contributing to increase the inseminated cohort and creating a similar situation as in normal responders. According to the results presented herein (higher live-birth rate per patient treated), this strategy represents a successful alternative for low-responder patients, yielding comparable success rates to those in normal responders and avoiding the adverse effects of a low response.

1 則留言:

  1. 我天生有残缺。无法和正常人那样有孩子。结婚后,老公和我都想要有自己的孩子。本来是想说领养一个的。可是一直觉得感觉不对。最后知道了代孕这个方法。 如今辅助生殖中心越来越多,而且骗子也越来越多。我的同事(朋友、姐姐等等)在乌克兰找了新开的诊所,他们提供三个代孕套餐。他们就去了那边,第一次尝试是不成功的,这所不愿意退款,并需要加钱。 问了好几家后,选择了彼奥这家医疗机构。医生和我们做了解释和安排所有的一切。他们的一举一动真的让人很欣慰。因为彼奥中心,我有了自己的孩子。而且医院不只帮助有需要的人得到幸福,他们也支持国家运动员并推广自己的生意。真心不错! Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯)
