婦產科醫學年會先驅性研究:胚胎快篩 「一條龍式試管嬰兒」 助好孕
在2015年3月15日的婦產科醫學年會中, 有許多新技術及眾多學術論文發表, 其中彰化博元婦產科蔡鋒博醫師發表的「一條龍式試管嬰兒」 研究更是受人矚目。
傳統是應用光學顯微鏡觀察,依據胚胎外觀形態來選擇胚胎, 目測的結果當然也有可能選錯胚胎,比如:外觀優質,但染色體異常 。正常健康的胚胎有23對染色體, 分別從精子及卵細胞各取一條染色體,共46條染色體。
在「一條龍式試管嬰兒」研究中,是將試管嬰兒囊胚期胚胎切片以q PCR(即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應儀)進行PGS胚胎著床前染色體 診斷,
因為胚胎快篩:胚胎切片檢測染色體較快速,所以可以不必為了等待 判讀結果而冷凍胚胎,可以直接新鮮胚胎植入子宮。
在發表的先驅性的臨床研究中,三個月內收集了15個案例,總共分 析了163個囊胚,不整倍的染色體胚胎占39.2%, 扣除不整倍的染色體胚胎後,整倍體胚胎著床率為:53.8%。
初步結果有相當好的懷孕率及胚胎的著床率,15個案例中有11例 懷孕,因病人數較少,不能遽下結論,
蔡醫師表示,在試管嬰兒的治療中, 選擇染色體正常的胚胎可望提高懷孕率、
降低流產率,而以qPCR進行胚胎快篩染色體之胚胎快篩「一條龍 式試管嬰兒」技術的應用,
Application of q-PCR to preimplantation genetic screening: A pilot study
蔡鋒博*1, 陳昭雯1, 林招彰1, 張舜評2,3, 馬國欽 2, ,張月嬌1,陳曉青1,徐慧鈴1,潘孟麗1,張琇媛1, 施俐君1陳明 2,4,5
Feng-Po Tsai1, Chao-Wen Chen1, Chao-Chang Lin1, Shun-Ping Chang2,3, Gwo-Chin Ma2, Yueh-Chiao Chang1,Hsiao-Ching Chen1,Hui-Ling Hsu1,Meng-LI Pan1,Hsiu-Yuan Chang1,Li-Chun Shih1, Ming Chen2,4,5
Poyuan Women Clinic IVF Centre, Changhua Taiwan1
彰化基督教醫院 基因醫學部[2]
中興大學 生命科學系[3]
東海大學 生命科學系[5]
Only a small fraction of embryos that can successfully implant and progress to live-birth in spite of recent advances in morphology-based embryological methodologies, selection of competent embryos is therefore a crucial step in IVF treatment. Aneuploidy is regarded as a primary etiology of implantation failure and it is vitally important to develop an effective strategy to solve this deficiency. Various measures including FISH, array CGH (SNP or oligo chromosomal microarray), and q-PCR have been reported. Among them, q-PCR seems a very promising new modality in PGS by a small number of IVF centers abroad. This pilot study aimed at analyzing the impact on implantation rate and pregnancy rate in IVF cycles using fresh embryos transfer which embryos were selected via blastocyst biopsy with rapid qPCR-based partial aneuploidy screening in our setting. It has been shown that biopsy at blastocyst stage is less detrimental in implantation potential than biopsy at Day-3 cleavage stage embryos and thus in this study, we tested a simple strategy by using q-PCR on Day5/6 blastocyst stage embryos and assessed its outcome.
Patient(s) Material and method
15 infertile couples with at least one previous IVF failure came to our clinic were enrolled. PGS was conducted by q-PCR with selectively amplified markers situated at chromosome 13, 18, 21, and X. The blastocyst biopsy was performed on day 5/6 and the sample was analyzed on the same day. The results were immediately available to the embryologist and the clinician. The euploid embryo was subsequently transferred in the fresh cycle.
A total of 163 blastocysts were biopsied and 4.9% of embryos (n=8) generated no result due to amplification failure. The aneuploidy rate for blastocysts was 39.2% (n=64). 26 blastocysts were transferred and implantation rate was 53.8% (n=14). Clinical pregnancy rate was 73.3% (n=11).
Our pilot study showed a promising high pregnancy rate and implantation rate. Despite it is yet comprehensive chromosome screening aiming at all 24 chromosomes, the strategy combines the traditional methodology by FISH and the biopsy of blastocyst followed by fresh embryo transfer, which gains an advantage of biopsy of Day-3 cleavage stage embryos. Expanding the chromosomes being investigated (from a limited set of chromosomes to all 24 chromosomes) is underway and a randomized study by comparing q-PCR and array CGH is needed in the future.
台視新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR
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新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCRhttps://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=oeUzkFgSyww&feature= youtu.be
台視新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCR https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=oeUzkFgSyww& feature=youtu.be 新聞報導博元婦產科一條龍試管嬰兒 TTV qPCRhttps://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=oeUzkFgSyww&feature= youtu.be